Burner Tuning Service

Industrial Combustion LLC provides top-quality combustion burner tuning services for a wide range of heating equipment and systems. As experienced combustion system professionals, we are excited to share with you the benefits of our burner tuning services and what you can expect from working with our team

How it Works

One of the main benefits of our burner tuning service is that we can help to decrease the smoke level and improve the flame pattern and quality. We do this by adjusting the air shutter and fuel ratio to produce the most efficient flame possible. In addition, we measure the flue gas to determine the correct fuel to air ratio to ensure that the burner is running efficiently. Our team can also test and adjust critical controls to ensure that your system is operating at its best.

Servicing a Wide Range of Heating Equipment

Our combustion burner tuning service is suitable for a wide range of heating equipment and systems, including steam boilers, hot water boilers, and furnace systems, propane vaporizers and much more. We work with both gas and oil burners, as well as propane systems, and can tune your system to operate at its best under any operating conditions.

If you’re looking to improve the performance of your heating system and ensure that it’s operating safely and efficiently, then our combustion burner tuning service is the perfect solution for you. Our team of experienced technicians has the expertise and knowledge needed to tune your system according to best practices and to ensure that it’s running at peak performance.

propane vaporizer

Combustion burners are our specialty

Our combustion burner tuning service is designed to improve the safe and efficient operation of your boiler system, heating equipment, and heating system. We help to optimize the combustion process by adjusting air fuel ratios, measuring draft, and making burner adjustments. By doing so, we ensure that your system is running at its best, which can help to reduce excess air and stack temperature while also improving fuel efficiency and reducing carbon dioxide emissions.

Eclipse Ratiomatic Burner - Post Cleaning and Preventative Maintenance

Our Commitment

What We Do

Provide top-quality combustion burner tuning services backed by years of experience and proven results for our partners.

Who We Do It For

Businesses that rely on efficient, functioning heating equipment and systems to sustain daily operations, manage costs and increase profit margins.

What They Get

Consistent, safe, and efficient operations, reduced emissions and improved system performance that will keep business going without delay year-after-year.

Are you Getting the Following Routine Services?

Combustion chamber tuning

Combustion chamber tuning helps burner systems achieve better fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

burner chamber


Air leak detection and repair

Detecting system air leaks improves system performance and reduces emissions.

burner system engineer running diagnostics to detect system air leaks.

Burner nozzle replacement

Replacing an old or faulty burner nozzle can improve flame quality and reduce emissions.

Eclipse Burner - Preventative Maintenance and Cleaning

Heat exchanger cleaning

Build up in the heat exchanger over time can lead to a host of problems. A heat exchanger cleaning will improve system performance and reduce emissions.

heat exchanger cleaning

Flame sensor cleaning

A flame sensor cleaning will refresh your system function improve system performance and reduced emission.

flame sensor cleaning
Gas burns in modern water heater. Сloseup. Selective focus.

Fuel pump adjustment

At times a tuning may require only small adjustments to your fuel to air ratio to achieve improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions.

fuel pump adjustment

Control system tuning

At the heart of a functioning commercial burner system are the system controls. Tuning the control system can significantly improve overall performance, temperature variations, and reduce emissions.

burner control system tuning

Stack temperature measurement

If stack temperatures are measuring outside of the normal ranges, this could indicate a problem. A stack temperature measurement can provide us the right information to make necessary adjustments, improve your system performance and reduce emissions.

Stack temperature measurement: photo of a a technician using instruments to measure the stack temperature of an industrial burner system

Frequently Asked Questions

Combustion burner tuning is the process of optimizing the air fuel ratio of a burner to improve system performance and reduce emissions.

We work on a wide range of heating equipment, including steam boilers, hot water boilers, ovens, dryers, oxidizers, and furnace systems.

It’s recommended to have your system tuned at least once a year to ensure that it’s operating at its best.

Combustion burner tuning improves system performance by optimizing the combustion process to reduce excess air, improve fuel efficiency, reduced fuel consumption, and reduce emissions.

Reducing emissions can help to improve air quality, reduce environmental impact, and reduce the risk of health problems associated with poor air quality.

You can contact us directly to schedule a service appointment or use our online scheduling tool to book a service appointment at your convenience.

The service time can vary depending on the complexity of the system and the extent of the tuning needed. Our team will provide you with an estimate of the service time when you schedule the appointment.

Yes, by improving fuel efficiency, combustion burner tuning can help to reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills.

If you don’t have your system tuned regularly, it can lead to reduced performance, increased emissions, and higher energy bills. In some cases, it can also lead to safety issues.

If you notice decreased performance, increased emissions, higher energy bills, or other issues with your system, it may be time for tuning. Contact us to schedule a system evaluation.

Let's Get Started

Schedule a combustion burner tuning

Ensure that your heating system is running at its best with our combustion burner tuning service. Contact us to schedule a service appointment today.

Request a system evaluation

Not sure if your system needs tuning? Request a system evaluation to determine the best course of action improving system performance. Contact us to schedule an evaluation.

Sign up for our maintenance program

Keep your heating system running smoothly all year round with our maintenance program. Contact us to learn more and sign up today

Get emergency repair service

If you’re experiencing an urgent repair need, don’t wait. Contact us to request emergency repair service today.

Get a free quote

Curious about the cost of our combustion burner tuning service? Contact us to request a free quote and learn more about our pricing options.

Learn more about our services

Interested in learning more about our combustion burner tuning and other services? Browse our website or contact us to speak with a member of our team.

Schedule a combustion burner tuning

Ensure that your heating system is running at its best with our combustion burner tuning service. Contact us to schedule a service appointment today.


Ensure that your heating system is running at its best with our combustion burner tuning service. Contact us to schedule a service appointment today.

Schedule a combustion burner tuning

Ensure that your heating system is running at its best with our combustion burner tuning service. Contact us to schedule a service appointment today.


Ensure that your heating system is running at its best with our combustion burner tuning service. Contact us to schedule a service appointment today.

Request a system evaluation

Not sure if your system needs tuning? Request a system evaluation to determine the best course of action improving system performance. Contact us to schedule an evaluation.


Not sure if your system needs tuning? Request a system evaluation to determine the best course of action improving system performance. Contact us to schedule an evaluation.

Sign up for our maintenance program

Keep your heating system running smoothly all year round with our maintenance program. Contact us to learn more and sign up today


Keep your heating system running smoothly all year round with our maintenance program. Contact us to learn more and sign up today

Get emergency repair service

If you’re experiencing an urgent repair need, don’t wait. Contact us to request emergency repair service today.


If you're experiencing an urgent repair need, don't wait. Contact us to request emergency repair service today.

Learn more about our services

Interested in learning more about our combustion burner tuning and other services? Visit our website or contact us to speak with a member of our team.


Interested in learning more about our combustion burner tuning and other services? Visit our website or contact us to speak with a member of our team.

Get a free quote

Curious about the cost of our combustion burner tuning service? Contact us to request a free quote and learn more about our pricing options.


Curious about the cost of our combustion burner tuning service? Contact us to request a free quote and learn more about our pricing options.

Industrial Combustion

Need Burner Tuning? We'll Get you Covered.

At Industrial Combustion LLC, we are dedicated to providing safe and efficient operation for your heating equipment and system through our combustion burner tuning service. With our experienced team of technicians and focus on best practices, we ensure that your system is running at peak performance, with reduced emissions and improved fuel efficiency. Contact us today to schedule a service appointment and experience the benefits of our top-quality combustion burner tuning service.

Sub Services


Improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions

Example Images

Image of combustion chamber and tuning equipment

CTA Suggestions

Schedule combustion chamber tuning today


– “emissions system combustion chamber tuning”
– “tuning a combustion chamber”


Improved system performance and reduced emissions

Example Images

Image of technician testing for air leaks

CTA Suggestions

Contact us to schedule air leak detection and repair


Improved flame quality and reduced emissions

Example Images

Image of technician replacing a burner nozzle

CTA Suggestions

Schedule burner nozzle replacement today


oil burner nozzle replacement –50 searches/month


Improved system performance and reduced emissions

Example Images

Image of technician cleaning a heat exchanger

CTA Suggestions

Contact us to schedule heat exchanger cleaning


Contact us to schedule heat exchanger cleaning

Example Images

Image of technician cleaning a flame sensor

CTA Suggestions

Schedule flame sensor cleaning today


Improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions

Example Images

Image of technician adjusting a fuel pump

CTA Suggestions

Contact us to schedule fuel pump adjustment


Improved system performance and reduced emissions

Example Images

Image of technician tuning control system

CTA Suggestions

Schedule control system tuning today


Improved system performance and reduced emissions

Example Images

Image of technician measuring stack temperature

CTA Suggestions

Contact us to schedule stack temperature measurement






Improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions

Air leak detection and repair

Burner nozzle replacement

Heat exchanger cleaning

Fuel pump adjustment

Control system tuning

Stack temperature measurement

efficiency and reduced emissions image of 


Improved system performance and reduced emissions

Improved system performance and reduced emissions

Improved system performance and reduced emissions

Improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions

Improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions

Improved fuel efficiency and reduced emissions

Image of combustion chamber and tuning equipment

mage of technician replacing a burner nozzle

Image of technician cleaning a heat exchanger

Image of combustion chamber and tuning equipment

Technician cleaning a flame sensor

Image of combustion chamber and tuning equipment

Image of technician measuring stack temperature

Schedule combustion chamber tuning today

Contact us to schedule air leak detection and repair

Contact us to schedule air leak detection and repair

Contact us to schedule air leak detection and repair

Contact us to schedule air leak detection and repair

Contact us to schedule air leak detection and repair

Contact us to schedule stack temperature measurement

– “emissions system combustion chamber tuning”

– “tuning a combustion chamber”

– “emissions system combustion chamber tuning”

– “tuning a combustion chamber”

oil burner nozzle replacement -50 searches/month